Most courses were given in the Department of Linguistics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Language
- Introduction to Comparative Linguistics
- Introduction to Diachronic Linguistics
- Introduction to Linguistic Typology
- Morphology
- Syntax
- Syntactic Analysis
- Structural Tools in Syntactic Analysis
- Juncture
- Comparative Linguistics
- Diachronic Linguistics
- Diachrony of Hebrew
- Typological Comparison
- Introduction to Text Linguistics
- Narrative Staging: Advanced Topics in Text Linguistics
- Structural Elements of Coptic (Sahidic, Bohairic dialects)
- Coptic Dialectology
- Shenoutean Syntax
- The Oxyrhynchite Dialect of Coptic
- Typology of Egyptian and Coptic
- Introduction to Egyptian Linguistics
- Introduction to Structural Linguistics (for Egyptologists)
- Diachronics of Egyptian
- Structural Elements of Late Egyptian
- Structural Elements of Roman Demotic
- Topics in Old/Middle Egyptian Syntax
- Topics in Late Egyptian Syntax
- Topics of Egyptian Linguistics
- Structural Analysis for Egyptologists (Given in Göttingen, Oxford, Jerusalem)
- Structural Elements of Modern Welsh
- Structural Elements of Middle Welsh
- Structural Elements of Modern Irish
- Old Irish Basics
- Topics in Modern Welsh Syntax
- Topics in Middle Welsh Syntax
- The Grammar of Kate Roberts: Highlights
- Topics in Modern Irish Syntax
- Linguistics and Narratology
- Narrative Staging
- Advanced Topics in Welsh Narrative Grammar