Diversions of Juncture. On Shenoutean Anacoluthia, and Other Puzzles of Unexpected Syntax


Shisha-Halevy, A., 2016. Diversions of Juncture. On Shenoutean Anacoluthia, and Other Puzzles of Unexpected Syntax. Journal of Coptic Studies , 18 , pp. 113–179.


This paper consists of two parts. The first (§1 etc.) is a special commented mini-chrestomathy: I present grammatically classified Shenoutean passages, briefly commenting on their structure and analytic implications. Thereafter (§2 etc., “postliminaries”), I will share with the reader, at some length, reflections on issues arising from consideration of these texts, beginning with a discussion of the meaning and significance of the anacoluthia concept, in a language such as Coptic.

See also: Coptic
Last updated on 01/18/2018